Celebration: 2023 Ambassadors of the Year

On Tuesday, December 19th, we gathered as a community to honor our 2023 Ambassadors of the Year: Samuel Habimana, Inez Tiger, and EdCamp Ukraine.

Elaine Miller-Karas hosted the event during which, each ambassador shared insights into their impactful work with TRI. It was a time of celebration as we listened to the remarkable journeys involving experiences of growth and healing in the face of adversity. Not only did we get to celebrate the dedication and achievements of these extraordinary honorees, but we also gained a deeper understanding about how the skills of TRM and CRM can be used to help…

  • Those living under the weight of an active war.

  • Those working toward reconciliation in the long wake of an attempted genocide.

  • Those working to build peace while reducing antisemitism and Islamaphobia.

It was an unforgettable event that we encourage you to watch!

Michael Sapp