The Integration of EMDR With the Trauma Resiliency Model: Part 2

The Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) is a clinical intervention based on research about the brain that reflects the knowledge that a biological response to stressful and traumatic events exists. TRM is both a model for trauma reprocessing treatment and a model promoting self-care. When I first trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing over 20 years ago, it was stressed to keep precisely within the EMDR protocol for maximum effect of EMDR. Concurrently, when trained in EMDR, I was also trained in a somatic-based model. As a therapist who leans into innovation, It was clear that somatic-based skills could be more deeply integrated into treatment to help heal the client's distress in both mind and body. As our work on the Trauma Resiliency Model was being developed during this time, many skills could be integrated into other models, including EMDR.

This is Part 2 of Elaine Miller-Karas’ interview with Kathleen Wheeler, Ph.D., past president of the EMDR International Association and a psychiatric nurse practitioner. They discuss how the somatic-based skills of the Trauma Resiliency Model can be integrated into EMDR therapy.

CLICK HERE to read the full blog

Michael Sapp